
MVPBIM 2022- Programme and Keynotes

By December 18, 2021 December 20th, 2021 No Comments

BIM – non-destructive measurement and construction diagnostics
RNDr. Jaroslav Bárta CSc. At al

Evaluation of the current state and trends in the development of methods, instrumentation and software with emphasis on geophysics and defectoscopy (geology, hydrogeology, archaeology, seismicity). Practical examples of use in the operation of transport structures and buildings. Monitoring the stability of notches and protective walls.

II. BIM twin
Prof. Vladimir Seredovich, Prof. Roman Shults, PHEDCS,

Creation and permanent maintenance of current computer construction models, building, object and processes, which are created in real time, take place and intertwine throughout their life cycle with emphasis on the use of various sensors and devices for online records of their status.

III. BIM – records of elements of buildings and structures in public space
Prof. Dr. Christian Clemen

The registration of owners property in public space is partly carried out in the form of entries in the cadastre, but many buildings and structures are not registered in the cadastre. Experience and practice in different countries is very diverse. How is this problem solved within the EU countries? What is the experience in other countries? How is the intersection of information kept in the cadastre and in other registers solved?